IT Support


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My IT Assistant

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You have so many different problems to handle being an entrepreneur with a new start up. You are tired of running from pillar to post to find the right IT person to help you and waiting for them to keep their appointments. Even when they do, there is no guarantee that your computer or network will be up and running. Other than replacing the entire network or getting a course in Computers 101, you seem to have few options left.

More and more small businesses are moving from traditional networks or desktop application models to the SaaS ( Software as a Service) model. The two biggest benefits of an SaaS model are very low or almost zero upfront cost and very low maintenance overheard. Most of the SaaS providers just charge a monthly fee to use their software based on number of users. Based on the type and size of your business you can choose a fully SaaS environment or a combination of SaaS and in-house network set-up. My IT Assistant is there to assist you in both the areas.

If you are in the market looking for the right SaaS application for your business, let us know. We can do a free evaluation for you and provide you a list of providers for you to choose from.

Google Apps Setup and Maintenance:

Businesses around the world of all sizes, in all industries, are migrating in ever-increasing numbers to embrace Software as a Service (SaaS). The economic, security, reliability, and delivery advantages give companies a competitive advantage. By 2011, 25% of new business software will be delivered as a service (Gartner, Inc 2006).

Google Apps is a customizable package of business applications including mail, calendar, team site creation, document collaboration, and video sharing. Watch the Quick Tour video.

As one of the global leaders in SaaS, Google Apps has experienced accelerating adoption with over 3,000 businesses signing up daily and over 1 million companies already using this solution to improve their business with better messaging and collaboration tools. See the benefits of Google Apps.

My IT Assistant will do everything your business needs to implement and use Google Apps. Our Standard set up includes:

• Answer any question you may have about Google Apps.
• Evaluation of your existing status
• Tailored deployment of Google Apps for your business
• Integrate your CRM or other third party application with Google site
• Setup users and get it ready for go-live.

We are now offering a complimentary setup ( a Savings of $250 ) for up to 10 users. Our Google Aps experts will also provide on-going support.

My IT Assistant for Network & Server Setups

If you company has a complicated network infrastructure consisting of PC, servers, and network devices, our IT support partner will manage your computers to make sure your business is never affected due to computer downtime.

For one low flat monthly fee, My IT Assistant provides small businesses a fully staffed Information Technology (IT) department with the expertise to keep your PCs, network, and servers running smoothly. Not just a desktop technician, but a complete technology team made up certified network administrators and security engineers will continuously monitor your system to avoid any interruptions in your operation due to an IT breakdown.

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